Organic Matter and Fertilizers

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Avla Compost with Manure
Sawdust, twig, leaf rot, manure
Avla Compost, which is produced in our Gebze warehouse as a result of months-long process with an anaerobic method, offers an alternative and economical solution to peat uses as a soil regulator with a high organic matter rate, sufficient water retention, in terms of macro and micro elements. It does not contain weed seeds. CLICK HERE for useful tricks and detailed information about compost . >>
Kompost videosu
Avla Compost analysis report

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Avla Compost without Manure
Natural Green, twig, leaf rot, manure
Avla Compost, which is produced in our Gebze warehouse as a result of months-long process with an anaerobic method, offers an alternative and economical solution to peat uses as a soil regulator with a high organic matter rate, sufficient water retention, in terms of macro and micro elements. It does not contain weed seeds. CLICK HERE for useful tricks and detailed information about compost . >>
Kompost videosu
Avla Compost analysis report

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Local Peat
1st class black peat obtained from the Mediterranean Region
Domestic peat belongs to the class called low peat in terms of their formations. Domestic peat pH, electrical conductivity, volume weight, nutrient capacities are higher than imported peat, while water retention capacities and organic matter ratios are lower. This situation arises from the mild climate in our country and the mixing of different plant wastes and soils with the formation of peat.
Yerli Torf hakkında
Analysis report will be added soon.

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Baltic Peat
Imported from Lithuanian and Latvian mines
Our peat varieties obtained from three different mines located in Lithuania and Latvia, on the Baltic shores, which are world-famous in the field of peat, are imported on a container basis upon order.
CLICK HERE for detailed information about this high quality organic peat that has been decaying for centuries by rotting under snow and water . >>
Baltık Torfu videosu
Baltic Torfu analysis report

Fermante Farm Fertilizer
Contains cattle and a small amount of sheep manure
A small amount of sheep is a farm fertilizer that we obtain mostly from cattle. It is a rich source of fermented food. It must have waited at least a year to be used. Depending on the type of production, 1-4 tons of manure can be given per decare. More stable manure should be used on soils with low organic matter. CLICK HERE for detailed information about barnyard manure . >>
Barnyard manure video
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Analysis report will be added soon.